
Showing posts from December, 2023

Train journey

my son was troubled (may be a hard request) to take him to colombo to his brother for late few weeks. we can't stop him because of his age. as an international school teacher,is holiday for me. i am taking him to colombo by train. .made him to sit in a suitable or comrotable place where he can enjoy his journey. this attitude should be there in young people to achieve something where i was missed in my kids period as my parents are strikt with me and economic situations. it's expensive these days. but my son is making my day better. it can help him to meet people of differant comunities, religion and status. it can help him in his future to go better throught his life. this attitude of him is also helping me to manage the situations according to the chalange. (22/12/2023 5.20am train from nawalapitiya to colombo-gelioya station)

Online loans-Srillanka

now some companies in srilanka start to provide loans by posting fake advertisments in social media. they traget the people who suffer for money for emergency and the people who need money for shoping and parties. so the people spend the money suffer to repay. they get an interest nearly 45% to 55% per month includibg service charges. no excuses for any customer to repay the loans. if you take a loan of 65000/- in a company within 30 days you should pay 92200/-. if you fail to pay on time daily 2000/- of a panality will added to the total pay. some companies give loans weekly basis. if you take a loan if 28000/- you should pay 35000/- within 14 days. these companies giving loans only with less documents life national id card and 2 or3 phone contacts from the customers contact list. some companies hack the phones of customers and get the whole contact list.if the customer did not pay or delay to pay the take calls to many from the hacked contact list. Government of srilanka...